
Sunday, May 26, 2013

How to make a Posy Doily

This cute doily measures 50cm/20in in diameter and has been made entirely with the sewing machine. I simply do not have the patience to sew by hand. The binding needs some extra diligence, but it can be done.

In order to cut the petals prepare a template in the desired size. Cut the tip off at the line where the inner circle should end. Now cut 6 petals and 6 triangles from the two fabrics adding the seamallowance in the process. (If you do want to download my ready-to-use template from Craftsy you may do so for a small service fee). The template already includes seam allowance all around the shape, but make sure you remember to add the allowance to both fabrics where you cut the tip from the petal).

Now get the sewing machine out and attach the triangles to the petals making sure you attach the correct edge of the triangle to the other piece.

Flip the triangle over and iron.

Prepare the two halfves of the doily by joining three of the petals Make sure the seams between the two fabrics are aligned when joining two petals. Iron the seams all in the same direction for a clean center where all petals meet. .

Join the two halves to finish the top.

Now use the finished posy to cut your batting and backing leaving them a little larger than your quilt-top.

Pin the three layers into a quilt-sandwich and prepare for quilting. I have quilted a simple spiral starting from the center and going all the way to the edge of the quilt using the presser foot and the edge guide.

When done quilting prepare the binding, pin it in place and attach carefully. Keep the binding stretched while attaching it in order to avoid creases and achieve a smooth surface.

So here's the posy doily:

Have you made a project following this tutorial? Let me know what you think. Did you like it? Was it easy to understand and to follow? Do you have any suggestions?
Write a comment or send me an email using the contact form at the bottom of the page.


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