
Saturday, June 22, 2013

How to make a garden seat cushion

Today let me show you how to make seat cushions for your garden chairs.


First you need to measure the seating surface of your chair. Mine measure 18.5 x 21 in.

Therefore I will need a square of the same size of batting and two squares of of my fabric.

I want the cushions to be a bit more fluffy, and thus, instead of just using one layer of batting, I will use two.

I want these cushions to match the tablecloth you see in the picture below, and as I couldn't find the same fabric, I settled with a fabric that has the same colours but a completely different design.

If you want to be able to fix the cushions onto the chairs, cut 4 strips measuring 25 x 2 cm and iron them in half lengthwise.

Then sew the strips closed on one short and the long side and turn it inside out through the opening on the remaining short side.

To turn this thin strip inside out I use a pin with a bigger round head and push it between the two fabrics into the seam at the tip that has been closed.

Then I start moving the needle downwards inside the tube, so that the head grips the end and pulls it through.

In the beginning carefully move the folds over the head of the pin. You will find that after the first inch has been turned over, the pin will slip through easily.

Let the pin slide out through the tube and iron it flat.

Now it's time to assemble the cushion.

 Place the layers of batting on the table, then place the first fabric piece on top right side up and then add the second piece of fabric right side down. Place two strips, one next to the other, with the raw edges just outside the cushion between the two layers of fabric (the right sides of the fabric pieces will be outside, as will the strips if you place them between these two layers), on the side of the cushion you want to be close to the backrest of your chair, near one corner and the other two in the same way, close to the other corner.

Pin the layers together and sew a straight seam all the way around, starting near the middle of one side and leaving an opening of about 4inches. Fix the seam at the beginning and the end with a couple of backstitches. Clean the edges cutting away all excess fabric and batting and leaving just the seamallowance.

Now turn the cushion inside out through the opening so that the batting is inside and both pieces of fabric are right side out.

Close the opening using a blindstitch and thus finish your cushion.

Have you made a project following this tutorial? Let me know what you think. Did you like it? Was it easy to understand and to follow? Do you have any suggestions?
Write a comment or send me an email using the contact form at the bottom of the page.


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